Family Investment Companies

Home / Family Investment Companies

Are you looking for a robust and tax-efficient way to manage intergenerational governance and succession planning?

Family investment companies, or family wealth companies, are companies which are established purely to manage the private wealth of a particular family. The shareholders of the company are family members, and the directors are usually also family members but may also include outside advisers.

A Family Investment Company can:

  • Provide a familiar vehicle for holding wealth and for ensuring its governance in line with agreed principles
  • Allow for different share classes to allow different family members to have different rights to income or capital, and voting rights
  • Restrict the transfer of shares outside the family
  • Offer a higher degree of control to adult family members
  • Provide some protection in divorce cases

Our team of experts provide services to families wishing to establish a Family Investment Companies

  • Legal and tax advice to structure the Family Investment Company with terms tailored to your specific requirements
  • Incorporation
  • Corporate Secretarial Services
  • Maintain formal company records and file statutory returns
  • Accounting and tax return compliance
  • Consolidate reporting of assets in customised formats to meet the requirements of a family member

Our Family Investment Companies Team

Stuart McLuckie

Managing Director

Roger Peacock

Deputy Managing Director

Laura Tommis

Business & Relationship Manager

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