
11 Avenue de la Porte-Neuve
Luxembourg L-2227

Located in the heart of mainland Europe and offering a gateway to other key markets, Luxembourg is an important global financial centre and hub for countless cross-border businesses and economic players.

Spanning from large institutions and international banks, advisers and fund managers to multinationals and private businesses, our Luxembourg office provides the bespoke solutions, expertise and professionalism that you require in order to grow and sustain your business, satisfy investors and unlock opportunities. Paired with modern infrastructure, security and a favourable legal and tax environment, Luxembourg boasts a high quality of life as well.

General Enquiries line: +352 221 190

Luxembourg Legal Information

Our Team

Peter Brown

Managing Director

Wim Ritz

Global Head of Funds

Frank Walenta

Head of Commercial – Funds and Corporate

Kelly Mukendi

Managing Director – Funds

Zuzanna Zielinska-Rousseau

Director – Head of Business Development

How Can We Help You?