Wills & Lasting Powers of Attorney
Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney are important tools to protect your loved ones.
Understandably, it is difficult to think about passing away or talking to loved ones about what will happen when we die. Making a Will, however, is vital and an essential component of planning for the future.
We create personalised solutions to protect your family and your assets.
We understand that you possibly cannot afford to rely on what worked for your parents in terms of wealth planning, so our mission is to mitigate the burden of finding a new solution, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of your wealth, protect your prosperity and the interests of future generations.
Why let others decide something so important?
A Will allows you to be certain that your assets will be passed on in the way you intended.
Without a Will, intestacy rules dictate how your assets will be distributed and this is often not as you would have wished.
Ideally, you should review your Will on a regular basis to ensure that it still reflects your wishes and appropriately considers changes to legislation or your circumstances.
We are happy to help you with this, updating your Will for you where appropriate. We also provide ZEDRA’s WillSafe Will storage, which provides peace of mind that your documents are safe and secure until they are needed.
Your Will will be drafted by a qualified solicitor.
What if you are unable to make decisions for yourself due to illness or an accident?
Although it is difficult to imagine being unable to make your own decisions, it is important to plan early so that trusted help is immediately available if you need it.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) gives you the comfort that you have appointed a trusted person(s) or firm as attorney to act on your behalf when you no longer can.
Property and Financial Affairs LPA
A property and financial affairs LPA deals with the management of your assets, collection of income, and payment of bills such as utilities, mortgages, insurance and care fees, etc.
Health and Welfare LPA
This LPA deals with personal decisions, such as where you live and what medication or treatment you receive, if any.
ZEDRA’s specialist and deeply experienced team has the necessary skills to:
- Act as the professional attorney named in a Property and Financial Affairs LPA
- Assist those already acting as an Attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney
- Act as certificate provider where appropriate
- Register the LPA(s) with The Office of the Public Guardian
- Provide secure storage to keep your LPA(s) safe until required
- Look after the drafting of one or both types of LPA by a qualified solicitor to ensure they reflects your wishes.

Get in touch
For Trust, Probate, Wills and Estate Planning enquiries please contact our Manchester office.