Private Equity & Venture Capital

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Customise your solutions and processes in a controlled and reduced risk environment.

Given the historical and current success of Private Equity & Venture Capital as an asset class, it is expected that it will continue its growth.

But prior to generating profits and ambitious ROI, there are some important steps and considerations to look into when starting a private equity fund.

Have you thoroughly thought about the type of investment vehicle you want to set up? Are you familiar with the whole mechanics of a private equity fund operations model? Do you know where to get employees with the right types of skills needed to run a fund? Have you considered the significant capital investment needed in technology to be able to have a robust accounting and reporting system?

Our Funds Solutions Team

Wim Ritz

Global Head of Funds

Mark Cleary

Deputy Head of Funds, Channel Islands

Kelvin Sng

Head of Fund Services

Andy Cunningham

Head of Funds, Channel Islands

Maarten Robberts

Managing Director

Archie Irtizaali

Head of Commercial – Funds

Philippa-Lucy Robertson

Executive Director – Legal Counsel

Kelly Mukendi

Managing Director – Funds

Our specialised teams support every phase of private equity fund set-up and administration.

From the establishment of funds (including project management) to liaising with regulatory authorities, producing an independent net asset value calculation for your investors, and dealing with complex regulatory and technical requirements, we can run your back-office operations and free you up from a costly, challenging and resource-intensive task.

We partner with you as your fund administrator, and grow and adapt as your needs change, enabling you to customise your solutions and processes in a controlled and reduced risk environment.