Private Funds
A Private Fund is often the solution of choice for a range of circumstances.
You might be a start-up fund looking for lower costs and regulatory dispensation whilst building up a track record, or simply looking for an interim solution ahead of establishing a regulated structure. You might be an investment club or a group of family and friends looking to collectively invest. Perhaps you have an asset-specific investment opportunity that requires a quick turnaround.
As a long-standing specialist in all types of fund structures including Private Funds, ZEDRA can guide you through your options to establish a fund solution that suits you perfectly.
Establishing your own fund is often easier than you might think.
ZEDRA is experienced in matching private clients’ requirements with the most appropriate and flexible fund regimes.
We are proud to combine our industry knowledge with a private client service culture, offering a holistic view by being able to proactively cover anything from the administration of traditional diversified investments through to the establishment and running of corporate and trust structures, bespoke investments, fiduciary fund investment or private funds for family members.