Steve Longworth

Client Director, ZEDRA Governance

Steve has spent time working with trustee and corporate clients at several pension consultancies.

Steve joined in January 2020 with more than 25 years’ experience in pensions having spent time on both trustee and corporate clients at several pension consultancies. Steve is an Accredited Member of the Association of Professional Pension Trustees and is a qualified actuary by training and most recently worked for KPMG, but previously for PwC, Deloitte and Mercer.

Steve is a trustee for several defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes with a mix of board and sole trustee appointments. He brings a calm and measured approach to his appointments. He chairs most, but not all, of his board appointments and will flex his style to adapt to the membership of the board. Steve has also acted as an independent trustee to a DC Master Trust. Steve is a member of the Governance Advisory Arrangement helping to assess value for money for policyholders of both workplace personal pension plans and Investment Pathways offered by a variety of providers.

Steve also acts as one of the trustees for our Group Life trusts, for both Registered and Excepted schemes and is responsible for making determinations to beneficiaries following thorough investigations by the group life team.

Steve’s trustee and previous corporate experience provide him with an invaluable insight into the impact of funding and risk to the sponsor for defined benefit schemes. Steve understands the impact of pensions from both the trustee and employer’s point of view. His previous experience from working on numerous projects has brought him into contact with a wide variety of pension schemes, ranging in size from less than £10 million to more than £1 billion.

Steve has a thorough understanding of pension issues and appreciation for the support provided to the schemes by their sponsors, particularly when the sponsor is undergoing change – whether that is through M&A activity or restructuring, or a downturn in the company’s business.

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