Marc Hedeman Joosten
Head of M&A, Secretary to the Board
Marc has held various positions in the financial services industry across multiple jurisdictions throughout a period of more than 30 years.
Marc started his career in October 1987 as an investment manager with Nachenius Tjeenk, a boutique private bank, at the time forming part of the ABN group.
After having obtained his law degree in 1989, he moved into the fiduciary services industry where during a period of 15 years he held various positions in Amsterdam and London with respectively Equity Trust, Mees Pierson Trust, Credit Lyonnais and Fortis Mees Pierson.
In 2004 Marc moved to Jakarta for Fortis Mees Pierson to establish three offices in Indonesia for the business line Private Bank & Trust. In 2007, he joined BNP Paribas Private Bank in Singapore with the focus on business development in Viet Nam.
Marc returned to Europe in 2008 to join EQT as Head of Legal in Amsterdam. Besides carrying responsibility for the management of EQT’s ownership structure and the acquisition structures of the EQT funds, Marc’s team was responsible for providing transaction support to the deal teams in Asia, Europe and the United States. In addition, Marc held the position of compliance officer for EQT’s offices in Guernsey, Luxembourg and the Netherlands whilst also carrying responsibility for the annual PI, D&O and crime insurance coverage for EQT and EQT Partners.
Following a period of four years as an independent consultant, Marc joined ZEDRA Group in 2018.
Marc studied law at Utrecht University, obtaining a master’s degree in Dutch law with a specialisation in international public law.