Jan Hendrik Siemssen

Head of Corporate & Global Expansion

Jan acts as Head of Corporate & Global Expansion as well as Managing Director in The Netherlands, bringing 25 years’ experience.

Jan Hendrik has worked across all areas of the Banking and Fiduciary businesses. He has served on boards of many large Private equity structures and Real Estate private funds, specialising in Real Estate and Private Equity.

He started his career at a legal firm as corporate lawyer. In 1991, he joined Dresdner Kleinwort Benson working in the structured finance department for over 10 years in various positions in the UK, Germany and the Czech Republic respectively.

In 2001, he joined Intertrust and was instrumental in setting up the CIS team. After 2004 Jan Hendrik held various senior positions in the Fortis Bank. Prior to joining ZEDRA in 2021, Jan Hendrik worked at the Maples Group as SVP and Managing Director of the Amsterdam office.

Jan Hendrik graduated from the University of Leiden, Dutch civil law and holds a post graduate corporate and tax law degree from the Grotius Academy.

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