Guide to handling your complaint
This explains what you need to do if you would like to raise a complaint.
All ZEDRA offices are regulated by the regulator in their jurisdiction. They are therefore required to adhere to local regulatory requirements.
Definitions, which make it clear what must be treated as a complaint.
Timelines, which may include the following:
- Acknowledgement of receipt of your complaint
- Investigation and closure of your complaint
- Notifications to yourself and the local regulator / Ombudsman
- Escalations
Escalations – we are required to advise you who you may contact if your complaint is not resolved
to your satisfaction e.g. the local regulator / Ombudsman.
Our Commitment to You
- We are committed to providing a high standard of service to all of our clients
- We will communicate in plain English
- We will appoint an independent person within the local Management Team to deal with your complaint
- Where we are able to do so e.g. where not prohibited by law, we will keep you informed about the progress of your complaint
- If we accept your complaint, we will seek to resolve the matter as soon as possible
How to Make a Complaint
You can contact us in person, in writing, by e-mail or by telephone.
Should you wish to make a complaint please either liaise with your usual point of contact, or if you feel it is more appropriate, the Managing Director where your relationship is maintained. (The name of the Managing Director will be available on our website).
To assist us with dealing with your complaint as quickly as possible it would be helpful if you could provide the following information:
- Your name and address
- Any client reference
- A clear description of your complaint
- Details of how you would like us to resolve your complaint
- Copies of any relevant information / documentation
- Your contact details
Additional Information
Please liaise with your usual point of contact if you would like a copy of a specific jurisdiction’s complaints process.

Privacy Notice
At ZEDRA, we take the protection of your personal data privacy very seriously and maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your personal data is very important to us.
The contents of ZEDRA’s website and publications are made available for information purposes only. Nothing within these materials should be relied upon as constituting legal or other professional advice. No ZEDRA companies, subsidiaries or affiliates accept any responsibility whatsoever for any loss occasioned to any person no matter howsoever caused or arising as a result, or in consequence, of action taken or refrained from in reliance on any of the contents of these materials.
In accordance with the SRA requirements a copy of Zedra Legal Services (UK)’s complaints handling policy can be found here: Zedra Legal Services (UK) Limited Complaints Policy