Malta: Global Resident Programme

02 March 2020

The Global Residence Programme is designed/ or individuals who are Third Country Nationals and not permanent residents of Malta.


Third Country Nationals (Non-EU / Non-EEA / Non-Swiss)

Definition of Dependent

The following re considered Dependents for the purposes of the Global Residence Programme Rules:

  • Spouse / Person with whom the beneficiary is in a stable and durable relationship;
  • Minor Children (under age of 18 years) including adopted children;
  • Children (under age of 25 years), including adopted children, who are not economically active, in the care and custody of the Beneficiary or Spouse / Person in a stable and durable relationship;
  • Children, including adopted children, who are not able to maintain themselves due to illness or disability of a serious gravity, in the care and custody of the Beneficiary or Spouse / Person in a stable and durable relationship;
  • Dependant brothers, sisters, and direct relatives in the direct line of the Beneficiary or the Spouse / Person in a stable and durable relationship;
  • The Dependants must not beneficiaries under any of the Special Residence Rules (See End Note 1).
  • The Dependants must reside with the Beneficiary in the Qualifying Property Holding.

Eligibility Criteria

All the following Eligibility Criteria must be satisfied by the Applicant:

  • Is not a Maltese national / EEA National / Swiss national;
  • Is not a long-term resident in Malta;
  • Is a Third Country National;
  • Is not a Beneficiary under any of the Special Residence Rules*;
  • Holds a Qualifying Property Holding;
  • Received a stable and regular income sufficient to support himself and his dependants without recourse to the Maltese social assistance system;
  • Possesses a valid travel document;
  • Possesses sickness insurance for himself and his dependants in respect of all risks for the entire EU;
  • Is able to communicate adequately in Maltese or English;
  • Is a fit and proper person;

Definition of Qualified Property


  • Ownership of Property in Malta purchased for a minimum €275,000
  • Ownership of Property in the South of Malta** or Gozo purchased for a minimum €220,000.


  • Leasing of Property in Malta minimum annual rent of €9,600
  • Leasing of Property in the South of Malta** or Gozo minimum annual rent of €8,750

Special Tax Status

Income from foreign sources would be chargeable would be chargeable to Malta only if remitted to Malta and at a flat rate of 15% with the possibility of claiming double taxation relief but subject to the minimum annual tax liability of €15,000.  All other income not chargeable at the rate of 15% is subject to 35% tax rate.

Maintaining Special Tax Status

Tax payment must be effected by 30th April each year together with submission of a return to the Commissioner as proof that all the eligibility criteria continue to be satisfied.
Events leading to loss of Special Tax Status

  • The Beneficiary becomes a Maltese national / EEA National / Swiss National;
  • After Special Tax Status is granted, the Beneficiary does not hold a Qualifying Property Holding;
  • After Special Tax Status is granted, the Beneficiary becomes a long-term resident of Malta;
  • After Special Tax Status is granted, the Beneficiary is not in possession of sickness insurance in respect of all risks normally covered for Maltese nationals for himself and his dependants;
  • The Beneficiary’s stay in Malta is not in the public interest;
  • The Beneficiary stays in any other jurisdiction for more than 183 days in a calendar year.

Transfer of Special Tax Status

In the event of the Beneficiary’s demise, the Special Tax Status shall be granted

  • to a Dependant who inherited the Qualifying Property Holding that was the Deceased Beneficiary’s primary residence;
  • to a Dependant who rents a Qualifying Property Holding immediately after the demise of the deceased Beneficiary.

The Special Tax Status is only transferred in favour of the Dependant if the Commissioner is satisfied that all the Eligibility Criteria are fulfilled.

Application Fees

  • Euro6,000 (Non-Refundable) if the Qualifying Property Holding is not situated in the South of Malta or Gozo;
  • Euro5,500 (Non-Refundable) if the Qualifying Property Holding is situated in the South of Malta or Gozo.
*Special Residence Rules are the Residents Scheme Regulations, the High Net Worth Individuals – EU / EEA / SWISS Nationals Rules, the High Net Worth Individuals – Non-EU / EEA / Swiss Nationals Rules, the Malta Retirement Programme Rules, the Qualifying Employment in Innovation and Creativity Rules and the Highly Qualified Persons Rules.
**The localities for the purposes of the definition of “South of Malta” are: Birżebbuga, Cospicua, Fgura, Għaxaq, Gudja, Kalkara , Kirkop, Luqa, Marsascala, Marsaxlokk, Mqabba, Paola, Qrendi, Safi, Santa Luċija, Senglea, Siġġiewi, Tarxien, Vittoriosa, Xgħajra, Żabbar, Żejtun and Żurrieq.

Contact Rudolph Psaila to find out more.

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