Kuldip Mannu

Tax Manager

Kuldip is a mixed tax advisor, with vast experience and knowledge across a breath of tax issues.

Kuldip’s passion is in corporation tax, not only managing clients’ corporation tax compliance obligations, but also advising on wider corporation tax areas such as R&D, transfer pricing, and group restructuring.

He joined the tax team back in August 2019 when the team was going through a period of growth and has been a big part in forming the successful team that it is today. Having previously worked at ECOVIS and RSM, Kuldip brought with him great top tier experience that has allowed him to progress to the Tax Manager position.

Kuldip is a Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), qualifying in 2023, having obtained a First Class Economics degree from the University of Kent. He is also a member of the Association of Tax Technicians.

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